I was driving home the kids home from Celebree Tuesday (okay, another aside; Noelle's schedule for this week is ree-DONK-u-LOUS. With a capital 'DONK'. She went 45 minutes on Monday, not at all on Tuesday, all day today (Wednesday), not at all on Thursday and (finally!) all day Friday and from that day forth forever and ever. Amen.) and we were talking about her first full day of kindergarten happening today, how she would meet more of her classmates and this is where things derailed, reminiscent of 'Clue':
Me: "...and tomorrow you'll meet four more classmates along with seeing Joshua and Kali and Chisom again."
Noelle: "Yes! And there will be seven of us!"
Me: "...No honey, that will be..."
Noelle: "But Mommy, there will be three and four and one. That's nine."
Me: "No honey, there will be..."
Noelle: "No, I mean 'seven'."
Me: "But..."
Noelle: "There will be four and three and one!"
Me: "...."
Noelle: "So that's seven new friends!"
Me: "...Wait! I've got it! You mean that there were three friends you met on Monday, yourself and the four new friends you'll meet tomorrow! I got it!"
Noelle (smugly): "Yes Mommy, that's what I said."
Her kindergarten prep teachers told me that she is a non-linear thinker, that she applies a different method to getting to the answer; I even shared that tidbit with her new kindergarten teacher and yet, fell victim to that classic blunder of
Good thing I've got a full wine rack.
Wish us luck.